

We are not above nature, we are a part of nature.

- Jennifer Nini


Effluent Treatment

At Hiravati, sustainability is at our core as it helps to protect ecosystems and human health by preventing the contamination of water bodies.

In various industries, including fisheries, there is effluent generated from processing facilities that contains organic matter, nutrients, and potentially harmful substances. If not properly treated, this effluent can pollute rivers, lakes, or oceans, leading to ecological damage and endangering aquatic life. We implement efficient effluent treatment systems, so that the environmental impact of the fishing industry can be minimized, ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of marine ecosystems.


Value Addition from Waste

It is a common practice where the fish by-products and waste are discarded. But at Hiravati, we leave no stone unturned in utlizing our resources by all-possible means.

We extract collagen from fish scales and also produce fish meal from fish processing waste. This extracted collagen is a valuable protein used in various industries, such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food. Fish meal, on the other hand, is a high-protein feed ingredient commonly used in aquaculture and animal husbandry.

Adding to that, by extracting valuable compounds from fish waste, the fishing industry can maximize resource utilization, minimize waste, and reduce the overall environmental impact. This approach aligns with sustainability principles by creating additional value from what would have otherwise been considered waste, contributing to a more efficient and eco-friendly fishing industry.


In-house Manufacturing of Fishing Gears for Local Fishermen

Fishermen play a vital role in our growth and success. Several sustainability factors come into play by manufacturing fishing gear specifically for local fishermen tailored to the target species and fishing grounds. We’ve initiated manufacturing fishing gears explicitly tailored for local fishermen to foster sustainability and support their livelihoods. These gears are meticulously designed in-house, with a unique focus on sustainability. Moreover, our fishing gears are thoughtfully structured to align with the specific species and habitats targeted by local fishermen. This strategic design significantly reduces the chances of bycatch, helping to protect vulnerable marine species.
